Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dogs Don't Need Phones

Last week I wrote about "The 3 Stages of I-Can't-Believe-You-Did-That". Jake did not have a good week last week and I got to go through those stages more often than I care to admit.

Jake loves to chew things. We all know that. You've read the stories or heard about them. I made the mistake of leaving my cell phone on my bed. I know I can't leave things on the bed anymore because Jake can jump up there now. But I forgot. A little later I walked into the living room and there's my phone, open, on the floor with the back panel off. I entered stage 1 at that point and I freely admit, the concern I felt was not for the dog, but for my phone. I like having a cell phone but this has not been my favorite model. It flips open but has smooth sides and it doesn't have that nice little notch to slide my thumb into to flip it open. So, how does a dog without opposable thumbs manage to open my phone? The same goes with the back panel. The 2 times I tried to open it, I had to really work at it. Why was it now lying 2 feet away from my open phone? I tried the phone, and it didn't work. At this point I had skipped stage 2 completely and went right to a very strong stage 3. There was nothing amusing about it and I was highly annoyed now. My once cute little phone had huge holes in it. Jeff wasn't happy either and mumbled something to Jake about how he's lucky we're not getting rid of him so I thought I better get the dog out of the house for a bit. We went on a long, long walk. I think we all calmed down a bit. The good news is that here it is a week later and as I was leaving to take it into the Sprint store to see if it could be fixed, I tried it one more time and....it worked! It's a miracle! I was happy and the dog was off the hook. It still has some huge puncture holes in it but it works. But I still don't find it very amusing.

Jake got himself into some other predicaments later in the week that I could write about but as I sit here typing, he's running back and forth by the pool as Jeff swims laps. Sometimes he just follows Jeff on the side of the pool, sometimes he takes his tennis ball and drops it in the pool for Jeff to pick up and throw across the yard. He gets the ball, runs back and drops it in the pool again. Aww, he's so cute! Really, he's not such a bad dog. I think we'll keep him.

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