Saturday, April 10, 2010

Jake and Fritz and Freddie

We have another puppy.....for 24 hours.  Lela surprised Dad a few weeks ago with another dog to keep their dog, Freddie, company.  Dad named him Fritz and he's a mini dachshund like Freddie.  Several posts ago I wrote about Jake and Freddie's personalities and if Freddie could talk, he would sound like a stuffy Frenchman.  I still think that.  But Fritz is just the opposite.  I think he would sound like Barney Fife.

Dad and Lela have gone to visit friends for 24 hours.  It's Fritz's first night away from home.  I think Dad is way more worried about him than any of us are. Dad walked in with enough supplies to last the dogs a week.  I actually thought I misunderstood and maybe they were going to be gone longer than one night but no, it's just one night.  After he unloaded a dog bed (with an afghan big enough to be a queen size bedspread), a kennel, a bag of toys, a plastic container with at least 5 days of food, 5 rawhide bones, and 2 leashes, he walked slowly out the door and I'm not sure, but I might have seen him tear up a bit.  Freddie stayed at the window next to the door and watched (he may have been tearing up too).  Fritz, on the other hand, was ready to play and Jake was thrilled, thinking we got him a new, living, chew toy.  And off they went.   But Freddie, in his true stuffy Frenchman attitude, just jumped up on the sofa next to me and  watched them running circles around the living room.  He looked down on them as if he believed he was far too superior to behave in such a manner.  Fritz and Jake didn't seem to care about what he thought.  Fritz was too busy trying to hang from Jake's beard and Jake was too busy trying to bat him around like a dirty sock.

So, they've been here 6 hours and so far, so good.  But we haven't gone to bed yet.  Dad warned us that Fritz squeaks alot at night.  We'll see how it goes.....

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