Sunday, April 19, 2009

Going through the change...

Poor Jake will have a life changing experience this week. He's getting neutered Tuesday morning. I have such mixed feelings about this. I know, like Bob Barker would say, all pets should be spayed or neutered. We don't need more stray puppies running around. However, Jake is an indoor dog and never gets out. And I know he could get out sometime but there aren't an abundance of female dogs around here that Jake has access to. The ones that are around here, aren't his type.
I have mixed feelings about it because I'm afraid it will change our Jake. What if it changes what makes him Jake? I'm pretty sure Jeff is counting on it changing Jake. Hoping it calms him a bit, settles him down. I think he's hoping it will make Jake smarter but I'm pretty sure that's not in the brochure.
I'm not a vet, but why can't they just do a little vasectomy and snip the vas deferens to make him shoot blanks? Everyone rolls their eyes when I ask this. Why do they have to do something that's so visual and will change him hormonally? I'll let everyone know how the procedure goes.....if I go through with it.

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