Monday, April 6, 2009

More things that Jake Abigail

Since Jake is Abigail's dog too, she wanted to be a part of the blog. So this is from Abigail:

So I am sure that if you read my mom's blog then you know that her name is Cindy. ( I think you should know ) Well I am her daughter, Abigail. Jake is my dog too. Well here are some things that he has done. ( Mostly Idiotic! )
Once there was a possum in our backyard. Jake didn't even bark! But whenever he goes outside to do his business, and he sees his shadow, He barks!!!
I think you know Freddie the Doxie, one time when he was over I invited a friend over. Well we gave Jake and Freddie nicknames. Jake was Doofus, the name sorta stuck cause the next day he was my "DoofieBaby".
I have seen that movie Marley and Me and I guess that Jake is half a Marley. Not as big, still alive, not so much of a dog that eats as much as he chews. Once he actually ate a razor blade though. Jake once chewed up my laptop, my mom's slippers and her cellphone, both of my old slippers are chew toys. Now he will trot up to my mom and she will play tug o war and then throw it, I shout go get Slipper! I could not use a small blog to describe all of the things that has ever been through my dog's mouth!

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